Thursday 26 May 2011


Hi everyone, just a quick note to say sorry there are quite a few blogs I cannot post on due to the continued problems with blogger.
I have tried but nothing I can do till it's sorted out.

I am feeling a little better today so I am going to have a go at making something!

I've had a poor week with my health and my beloved Aunt is very poorly. Was given two days three days ago! She is 89 and has had a good life but is certainly suffering now. She has been in hospital a couple of months and now has Gangrene in her leg and needs an operation but is too poorly to have it.
If you can spare a little prayer for her I would be so grateful. Thank you.

1 comment:

  1. Hope you are feeling better and that things are OK with your Aunt. Sending big hugs to you both. Love Sheila x
    P.S Sorry its a late comment but my laptop is playing up!


I really love reading your comments. Thank you so much!
xx Jan