Thursday 12 May 2011


Lotv challenge #96 ribbons & bows
8x8 card
DCWV Nan's kids
Image from LOTV Twinkle, Stamped with Memento & coloured with Copics.
Frames Go Kreate XXL Frilly #3
QVC Purlpe Mirri Card
Butterfly MS punch
Bows, bits & bobs from my stash!

NEW BLOG challenge CFAS starts on Wednessday 18th May. Please join in with me and our wonderful team.

TFL Thanks for your comments. xx Jan

1 comment:

  1. Such a pretty card Jan. Love your bow treatment. Thank you for joining with us at LOTV this week.

    Edna x


I really love reading your comments. Thank you so much!
xx Jan