Saturday 11 June 2011

Less Is more 19 one layer "In the frame"

It's Limette day again!

I hope you have had a better week than I have it's been terrible.

On the way to my Aunt's funeral yesterday I had a call from my son to say he is going to Afghan in August even though he has a broken and arthritic foot! I new it was coming and of coarse it is his job. Surely they should sort his foot out first.

We got back home tonight to find out a familly friend has passed away.

I think I am in shock.

Thank goodness for card making I really don't no what I would do without it!

My first card is A5

I used the adorable teddy stamp. I have had it years and havn't used it for ages.

I coloured it in with Whispers pens.

Second card

A6 tent. I used the Cuttlebug flourish stamped the rose with Brilliance ink pads.
I'm off to bed now, exhausted I will try and catch up with everyone tomorrow.

Thanks for calling! xx Jan


  1. I was really sorry to hear all you unwelcome news Jan... I'm sure you must be grateful for the escape of crafting!
    Two great frames here... at least we keep you busy!
    Thanks so much
    Lady LIM
    "Less is More"

  2. Oh Jan how awful for you hun...and I'm not surprised you are in shock....My daughter is going into the army next year... I do feel for you sweetie. And your sad for you and his family. I'm sending you big hugs...take care love Vicky xx

  3. I'm sorry for your loss and I also hope that your son will complete his Afghanistan tour of duty safely too. All the best

    Your LIM card is adorable


  4. I am so sorry to hear all your news Jan, sending lots of hugs. Your cards are beautiful, never thought to use that frame for my card lol
    Beryl x

  5. Oh dear Jan it all sounds pretty awful news.
    Your cards are beautiful with some lovely stamping and colouring. Annette x

  6. Sending you hugs - such an awful day. I agree that crafting is a wonderful way to take your mind off troubles.

    Your cards are lovely - I particularly like the rose in the embossed frame!

  7. Jan, both cards are awesome, but I really LOVE the second card!
    My Card

  8. Both cards are brillant, but I love the first one. Colours are brillant.

  9. Take care Jan, hugs
    Thank you very much
    Diva LIM mandi
    "Less is More"

  10. I'm so sorry about the tough time you're having just now :( I hope you can find the strength to get through it, and of course we are all here for you :)

    Your cards are lovely, really love the Teddy one! :)
    Lizy x

  11. So much bad news, no wonder you feel shell shocked.
    Crafting is a great escape and your cards are gorgeous

  12. What a time you are having, my step-son has already done his time in Afghan and came back to us safely, so hoping yours does too.

    Great cards, love the embossed frame on your second card and those teddies are very sweet :)

  13. Such sad news.

    At times like this we use our crafting as therapy.

    You've made some lovely cards here.

    Hugs, Sandra View my card HERE!

  14. Two lovely cards, Jan. Hazel x

  15. Oh dear Jan, yesterday certainly wasn't a good day. Love how you've coloured the teddies and your second card is very elegant. xx

  16. Two lovely cards, sorry about your bad news too :O( Viv xx

  17. Love those cute little bears and your rosecard is beautiful too!

  18. Two fab cards, love the colours on both.

  19. Fabulous cards, I love your frames

  20. Sorry you're having a rough time Jan. Thoughts are with you at this difficult time.

    I love your teddy card.I have that stamp somehere and I like what you've done with it. The second card is serene and peaceful and I hope you have a calmer week and can come to terms with all the sadness and upset of last week. Big hugs Zx

  21. Oh Jan how aweful for you, thank goodness for crafting, it is really a great help when things are not right.
    You have managed to produce 2 super cards, love both of them.
    All the best.

    Kath x

  22. So sorry to hear all your bad news Jan xx

    Love your cards. The teddies are so cute and the rose is lovely. Lisa x


I really love reading your comments. Thank you so much!
xx Jan