Tuesday 29 January 2013

Shared memory & candy winner!

My eldest Son, my Mam & Nephew boys loved to wear Grandad's Trilby's. I think this was taken in 1982 the boys were around 2 there is only 5 months between them. Mam adored her grandchildren.

It's a sad day for me today, it's my Mam's memorial.
I was only 26 when she passed away 28 years ago. She was only 59. Not a day goes by that I don't think of her. Tears don't fall as often as it does get easier but I am so grateful for all the wonderful memories.
So I decided to draw my blogaversary candy on the 29th to celebrate the wonderful person she was. Everyone loved her so much,
Drum roll............. my candy winner is Avril Ann!!
Congratulations Avril Ann.
Let me have your postal address ASAP and I will get it in the post!
Check out my previous post here
Thanks for calling
xx Jan


  1. Sending Huge hugs your way Jan, I know just where you are sweetie, I was 30 and my mum too died at the age of 59. Sadly that was 39yrs ago, but I miss her dreadfully.
    Take Care xxxxxxx
    Hugs Mau xx

  2. I send you an huge hug my friend,I'm sorry you are sad...but I understand..
    I'm near your heart.

  3. Anniversaries are so hard aren't they? Sunday was the 4th anniversary of my Dad passing away. I guess it is getting a little easier as time goes by, but I still miss him terribly. Remember all the good times.

  4. Its right - remember the good times - your memories are so precious.

  5. Do you know Jan, I must put a picture up of my Mother in Law, Mary, who passed away 21 years ago...she looks so like your mum, hugs hun, and I am glad you have lovely memories...and a huge Thank you for the text, that alerted me to my Win, thank you so very much am over the moon, what a week this is turning out to be....love and hugs, dear friend, I will text you my address...xxxxx

  6. Sending you all my love Jan on this special but sad day for you. The photograph is beautiful.

    Congratulations to Avril too.

    Linda xxx


I really love reading your comments. Thank you so much!
xx Jan