Wednesday 20 March 2013

New Blog!

Hi everyone I have some very exciting news to share with you. 
I'm sure you will have all heard the devastating news about Kanban!
Kanban DT are so upset as it was a real joy to be part of the Kanban team
So we decided to stick together & start another DT! 
It's called The Crafting Musketeers Challenge Blog. it will start in May.
Please like & join our group on face book HERE and help us to spread the word.

The DT for the blog. 
Sharon King, Fran Hancock, Karen Smith, Emma Goddard, Nicola Saul, Avril Watson, Jan Thompson, Toni-Marie Price, Laura WIlliams,Craig Laird, Denise Holmes and Jackie Western. 
So some fantastic inspiration to look forward to from a fabulous DT. 

Each challenge will be monthly and we have some fantastic sponsors on board. 

The actual blog is still under construction so watch this space!. 
The good news is you don't have to have a blog to enter. For each challenge there will be an album on the FB page for you to upload your entries.
We hope you will join us on this exciting journey and we are already looking forward to seeing your entries.
Thanks for calling
xx Jan


  1. Thats great news Jan ....look forward to joining in

  2. Great News Jan. I'm sure it will do well. Will certainly look out for more news about it. Hugs Rita xx

  3. Well done for carrying on, I'm sure it will be a great success x

  4. Fabulous news and I hope it is a success.

    Linda xxx

  5. Thats fab news Jan, so pleased for you & the rest of the Dt. Wishing you every success xxxx

  6. stunning card inside and out....x


I really love reading your comments. Thank you so much!
xx Jan