Wednesday 1 January 2014

My Dad

Hi everyone I have some sad news today.
My beloved Dad passed away in his sleep just before 11 pm last night. I am devastated .
We had been with him all day. We went home and the Marie Curie nurse noticed a change in him. We dashed back but it was too late. His wife was with him so it is a comfort to no he was not alone/ He has had the most wonderful care. Stepmam, Nurses and Doctors have all been wonderful.
He has had an awful year and the last few weeks have been terrible watching him slip away from us.
He was 90.

I am going to try and remember him as he was Christmas 2012 this is me and my family at my sisters house then.
Left to right, Nephew, me, Sister, BIL, Hubby, Dad & Stepmam.
Thanks for calling and I hope you all have a healthy new year.
xx Jan


  1. How sad Jan. Sending my condolences to you and your family. Hugs Rita xxx

  2. Oj dear Jan, so sorry to hear your news, and not surprised you are devastated. Thinking of you, and sending much love and huge hugs to you and the family. xx

  3. Sad Jan but remember his life and the good times full of love and happiness.xx

  4. Thinking of you Jan. But remember a life well lived - and well loved. x

  5. My deepest sympathies. My thoughts go out to you and your family at this time. x

  6. Hi Jan - I'm so sorry to hear your sad news. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family at this awful time.
    Hugs, Helen x

  7. I'm so sorry for your loss Jan - big hugs to you and yours - you do right to remember the good times! Hugs Rachel xx

  8. So sorry for your sad loss Jan
    you will always have your memories
    and nothing can take them away.
    take care my friend thinking of you
    and the family
    christine xxxx

  9. I'm so terribly sorry to hear your sad news about your Dad Jan...sending cyber hugz to you and your family and will keep you all in my thoughts and prayers....

    Luv CHRISSYxx

  10. So sorry for your loss Jan. Words cant make things better but I hope that you find comfort knowing he is no longer in pain or discomfort. Remember him fondly and with time things will get better. Much love to you and your family at this time. Mo xxx

  11. So sorry for your loss Jan, big hugs to you and your family.
    thinking of you pam

  12. Sorry to read this Jan, my thoughts are with you all. Carol x

  13. So sorry for your loss Jan - it's lovely that you can take comfort from the happy times of last year. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers and I'm sure you feel comfort knowing that your beloved dad is now at peace hugs Judith x

  14. I'm so sorry to read your sad news Jan, my thoughts are with you and your family.
    Take care and remember the good times.

  15. Thinking of you Jan and hoping you have lots of memories to treasure as they never die.
    Val x

  16. So sorry to read this Jan...thinking of you at this sad time! Big hugs xx

  17. I am so sorry to hear this Jan and am sending you my sympathy and condolences.

  18. I am so sorry, but glad you had him for Christmas.

  19. Jan, my friend, my heart goes out to you hun, and your family, I am so very sorry for your loss, love and hugs always, xxxx

  20. So sorry to hear this Jan, your picture is lovely and that's such a nice way to remember him.


  21. I was so sorry to hear your sad news Jan. Sending you lots of crafty hugs and my thoughts and prays are with you and your family.

    Linda xxx

  22. I am so sorry for your loss Jan xx

  23. Aww! So sorry for your loss Hun, after having such a tough year health wise he can rest in peace, knowing he was loved xx

  24. Sad to read about your dad! Wish you and your family strenght. Sending you some digital hugs...

  25. So sorry to hear of your loss Jan - my heart goes out to you. Remember the good times - they will get you through this difficult time.

  26. So very sorry for your sad loss Jan.


I really love reading your comments. Thank you so much!
xx Jan