Saturday 13 August 2016

Less is more...

Hi everyone!
Over on less is more it's one layer week and something French.
I have had this lovely image for ages and took it into MCS I then placed the words on and translated the "Plus Ou Moins"  means "Less is more". I draw round the square with a fine liner. 
Thanks for calling
xx Jan


  1. Super make for this weeks One Layer Card challenge over at LIM


  2. What a beautiful image, so vintage and shabby chic in feel but still in a clean and simple setting. Fabulous! Thanks so much for entering - and I think your middle name might be "speedy"! x

  3. What a perfect stamp and saying for today...beautifully done

  4. Beautiful one layer card, love the stamp and sentiments used.

    Sylv xx

  5. What a wonderful stamp Jan; it is absolutely gorgeous. Love the hint of colour in the wee flowers and so clever of you to get the plus ou moins in! Thanks for sharing this with us at Less is More.
    Sharon xx

  6. Wow this is beautiful. I love the look and feel of this card. Perfect for the challenge. Thanks for sharing at Less is More!

  7. Hi Jan this is a gorgeous one layer card. I find these cards so hard to make you have done a brilliant job. Have great day today. Take care. Hugs Jackie

  8. What a gorgeous image, Jan. So delicately vintage yet looks very much at home surrounded by the crisp white space. Lovely card.
    Thanks for sharing with us.
    Anita x
    Less is More

  9. Perfect french! Love the vintage-looking-colours and the still so delicate look!

  10. Gorgeous, love the vintage element.
    Linda xxx

  11. Elegant, classy, sophisticated and a perfect take on our French theme Jan. Love the vintage stamp detail and well done on being first in this week! Thanks for sharing and playing along with us at Less is More. Sarah

  12. So beautiful and so elegant.
    Hugs June x

  13. I never thought to look at my digital stuff doh! This is a beautiful image and looks so elegant.

  14. This looks simply terrific Jan... I love this image!
    Thanks so much
    "Less is More"
    Moins est Plus!


I really love reading your comments. Thank you so much!
xx Jan