Wednesday 28 February 2018

WOYWW #446....

Hi everyone!
It's time for WOYWW #445!
Not a lots of crafting going on cos it's been a rough few days.
 Lots of family stuff & hospital visits but hopefully now we are back on track. 
I was waiting for a parcel from Crafter's Companion but because of the snow it can't get here! I'm going to try and use some un inked CC stamps lol.
As you can see I made some FOAMIRAN FLOWERS last week
My card was made using Whoopsi Daisy images. One pre coloured and one I did myself.
We are starting a Progressive WD challenge on Facebook HERE
Each months image is just £1. for a pre coloured image and one you can colour yourself !
If you enter the FB challenge you will get the next challenge image free.
It's only available on WD Facebook page HERE
Die is CC and the Foamiran & chipboard is Crafty Enjoyments HERE
We have an "Anything" Whoopsie Daisy challenge HERE

Bits from my stash.
Thanks for calling
xx Jan


  1. Hi Jan, we don't have much snow as yet. Good luck with getting your parcel. Happy WOYWW Sarah #15

  2. I love the blue flowers on your desk in the first pic - are they made from paper? I've enjoyed making some myself this past week. Hope all is a bit more calm now and you get to enjoy a bit more crafting time.
    Hugs LLJ 14 xxx

    1. Thank you.
      They are made with Foamiran LLJan

  3. Hi Jan, thanks for calling in, I had to re follow you seems blogger took a few people off bloggers follow lists. Great and cute card. The foamiran flowers sure look good and I must say I enjoy making them as well..💖 [aNNie' blog]

  4. Hi Jan, lovely flowers.Great cards too. Have a great week, Hugs, Shaz #3 XxX

  5. Hi Jan - A great birthday card and a cute elephant. Are the blue flowers some kind of foam? They look thicker than card...
    Take care. God bless.
    Margaret #2

    1. Thank you the flowers are made with Foamran.

  6. These are gorgeous, we have been very lucky here and not had that much snow.
    Linda xxx

  7. Beautiful flowers and a very jolly elephant!! All these snow pics are making me feel very chilly indeed. Heatings been on all day and house is still cold. Might have to look for my fingerless gloves! Happy WOYWW Cindy #19

  8. Beautiful flowers, cards, and SNOW? Love that elephant.

  9. great cards. stay safe in the snow. Helen #1

  10. A very neat and tidy desk Jan, mine never looks that tidy. Fabulous cards - I especially like the adorable elephant.
    Pauline - Crafting with Cotnob

  11. Gorgeous flowers using foamrian Jan, love the colour.
    Pam x

  12. Such cute cards. I am so jealous of the snow. We have rain. I hope your life calms down soon.
    April #22

  13. Hi Jan, don't think we've had any post today but it has stopped snowing now. Hope your parcel arrives soon. Happy woyww, Angela x16x

  14. Ooh that’s a lot of snow! we seem to be getting away with it a bit here....just the snow, it’s still perishing cold! Love the foamiron flowers, how clever.

  15. great looking desk...beautiful flowers! It seems while we were getting hammered with an ice storm here in Oklahoma you guys were getting hit with the snow...we don't get much snow here! Sorry I am so late getting around this week but all sorts of things jumped in my way! Vickie #32


I really love reading your comments. Thank you so much!
xx Jan