Wednesday 13 February 2019

WOYWW #506

I used an Imagination crafts A4 stencil

Hi everyone!
Another week has flown by and it's time for WOYWW #506
I've been messing about with my Gelli Plate again as I bought two sets of Sheena's paints in CC January sale.
I also used an Imagination crafts A4 stencil
My ivory and rose gold mini book is still floating about waiting for some photos.
We went to see Holy Holy last night so i'm knackered lol. 
It's a group playing Bowies early days music.  His old drummer Woody Woodmansey and producer friend Tony Visconte 
This 60 year old rock chick is feeling her age today!
Have a great week 
Thanks for calling.
xx Jan


  1. Hi Jan. Sounds like a great night out - but leaving you feeling pretty wacked this morning - enjoy an easier day:-)
    Take care. God bless.
    Margaret #9

  2. Ah yes, I feel your pain...gone are the days where I could boogie/party all night and get up at 6 the following morning to go to work!! Like the colours of your work on the desk, very fresh and pretty.
    Hugs LLJ 15 xxx

  3. Now that sounds like a great night out celebrating such an innovative artistic musician. I doubt that we will ever see anyone like him again. Have a lovely woyww and a happy creative week, Angela x5x

  4. Hope you get some rest! But I bet you had oodles of fun! I need to play with my gelli plate but have too many other projects that have to get done. Have a great day and thanks for popping by!
    Carol N #20

  5. Oh how lovely....I would have enjoyed that night out but like you I would have been suffering today.
    Annie x #2

  6. Wow, great night out - loved Bowie.
    Love to see the Gelli Plate results some time.
    Hugs, Neet xx 11

  7. Hope you are fully recovered from your night out soon Jan. Happy WOYWW. Sarah #8

  8. Sounds like you had a wonderful night. Can't wait to see what you do with your Gelli prints.
    Linda xxx

  9. Hi Jan, loving the cards I can see. Sounds like that was a great night out. Have a lovely week, Hugs, Shaz #1 X

  10. What a fun night out. Thanks for sharing. Have a nice week. With love & God Bless, Caro x (#27)

  11. Hi Jan, it gets harder to recover from a late night the older you get, LOL sounds like a great night out though.
    Have a great week
    Jan x #22

  12. glad you had a rocking time! thanks for dropping by. Helen #4

  13. Hi Jan, Busy desk.

    Glad you had a nice time out.

    Thanks for stopping by my blog.

    Happy WOYWW
    Sue #16

  14. Your never too old to rock out Jan and it sounds like it was worth it. Continue to have fun with that Gelli plate.
    Happy woyww Tracey #6

  15. So glad you had a 'rockin' night Jan. A fabulous card

  16. Gorgeous card Jan - glad you had a fun night! Shabneez x

  17. Going to a concert and creating beautiful things... you don't sound that 'old' at all ;) Keep on rockin' in the free world girl! Thanks for your blogvisit last week, have a great weekend. Marit #17

  18. Hi Jan, sorry for the late visit. That sounds like a great night out. I love his music! This rock chick suffers if I don't get mg full quota of sleep! Lovely card. Have a lovely week Heather x #23

  19. Lovely piece, Jan! Sounds like a fun evening and well worth the age reminder, I'm sure. Thanks for the stop-by! Creative Blessings! Kelly #21


I really love reading your comments. Thank you so much!
xx Jan