Wednesday 3 April 2019

WOYWW #513 + card

Hi everyone and happy WOYWW #513.
I haven't managed to play along for the last few weeks!
It's so cold here and our boiler broke down first thing Sunday.
They are supposed to be coming to fix it today. We live in hope!
I have a real messy work desk as I just finished this card.
I used Crafter's Companion Peony Hot foil plate and the set of flower stamps.I used Chloe's Wow plum perfection EG
I made the foamiran flowers for the centres.
Foamiran from Crafty Enjoyments.
Bits from my stash.
Thanks for calling.
xx Jan


  1. Hope you get your heating fixed, it is too cold here where I am to be without it.
    What a lovely card - thanks for sharing.
    Hugs, neet 6 xx

  2. Beautiful card, peonies are just the most stunning flowers. sandra de @19

  3. Hi Jan, lovely card, so much detail. Have a lovely week, Hugs, Shaz #1 X

  4. Such a pretty card. Hope you get your heat fixed. Not sure where you live but we had 2 more inches of snow yesterday, I put another blanket on the bed. Had cleaned and put them away thinking SPRING. Snow melted and 50/60's maybe today. Crazy weather. Have a great week Happy Woyww

  5. This is beautiful Jan.
    Linda xxx

  6. That is very pretty. Nice color choices.
    Happy WOYWW
    Rose #26

  7. Hope the boiler is working again soon Jan, the weather is so changeable at the moment. Lovely card! Happy WOYWW. Sarah #2

  8. Hi Jan your card is gorgeous. I love it. Take care. Hugs Jackie

  9. Hope by now you are sitting in the warm with a mended boiler! I love that card!! Helen #3

  10. Hi Jan, not a good time to be without heating. Hope it gets fixed. Lovely card, thanks for sharing what you used to make it. Have a lovely week Heather x #14

  11. Loving the card and hope the boilers been fixed by now. Have a great woyww, Angela x15x

  12. Brr! jan pray the heating is fixed an dyiure beginning to thaw out will send you some of our sun from Downunder.
    What a stunner of a card, amazed that you even made the textural centre. How clever plus!
    Happy belated WOYWW, Shaz in Oz.x #13

    {Wonderful Words of Life - Shaz in Oz}
    {Calligraphy Cards - Shaz in Oz}

  13. Hi Jan, I love a messy desk and that gorgeous card too. Happy belated woyww, Angela x15x

  14. Another stunning card, never mind the mess LOL.
    Faith x

  15. Oh my life, a lot of work on that lovely card Jan! So pretty. Your desk is only messy to my bench mark, it’s got a lot more life before tidy up!!

  16. That is rotten, being without heating at this time of year. I hope the engineer gets it fixed very quickly. xxx Maggie (Silvercrafter) #11

  17. Beautiful card! Hope you are now warm and toasty. Lovely busy crafty desk! Have a great week, Lindart #29

  18. Such beautiful flowers on the cards, lovely


I really love reading your comments. Thank you so much!
xx Jan